Thursday, October 25, 2018

Cerebral Palsy, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment, Prognosis

cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is a progressive neuromuscular disorder causing mild to severe disabilities throughout life. The condition is manifested as a group of persisting qualitative motor disorders which disorders which appear in young children due to damage to the brain during delivery or due to some pathological conditions in the intrauterine life. The neurological problems are multiple but non-progressive in nature. 

Approximately 2 per 100 live birth results in a child with cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is not hereditary. 

Causes of cerebral palsy 

1. Injury to the brain during delivery. 
2. As a complication of forceps delivery.
3. Lack of oxygen supply to the baby during delivery
4. Infections during delivery.

Signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy

The signs and symptoms may not be similar in all babies affected. Depending on the damage to the brain there may be mild to severe lesions.

Mild cases: - 20% of children with Cerebral Palsy will have a mild disability. 

Moderate cases: - 50% of children have a moderate disability. The affected children require self-help for assisting their impaired ambulation capacity. 

Severe cases: - About 30% of children are totally incapacitated and bedridden and they always need help and care from others. 

Abnormal findings in cerebral palsy
  • Abnormal neonatal reflexes
  • The stiffness of all muscles with awkward motion. 
  • Extension of extremities on the vertical suspension of the infant.
  • Scissoring of the lower limbs due to spasm of the abductor muscles of the high. 
  • In severe cases, the backbend backward like an arch.
  • May have total or partial paralysis.
  • The arrest of neurological and behavioral development.
  • Swallowing may be difficult in some cases.
  • Mild to severe mental retardation's. 
  • Abnormal movements are seen in some cases.
  • Tremors with typical movements.
  • If cerebellum is affected there will be a loss of muscle tone with difficulty in walking. 
  • Complete or partial loss of hearing.
  • Speech may be affected.
  • Squint and other visual problems may be associated. 
  • Convulsions may be seen in some children. 

Cerebral Palsy is diagnosed by detailed clinical examination and by eliminating other similar diseases like a brain tumor, progressive atrophy.

All investigations like CT scan, MRI and routine investigations are needed to rule out other diseases. 

Management of cerebral palsy

General management : 
  • This includes proper nutrition and personal care. 
  • Symptomatic medicines are needed to reduce convulsions and muscle stiffness. 
  • Diazepam can reduce spastic muscles. 
  • Dantrolene sodium helps to relax skeletal muscles. 

  • Here massage, exercise, hydrotherapy are utilized to help with some of the symptoms of cerebral palsy. 
  • Special training is given to teach walking, swallowing and talking. 
  • The affected children are also trained to hold articles for routine activities. 


Moral and social support should be given to these children. The children affected with cerebral palsy should be sent to special schools where special training can be given for locomotion and to assist in day to day activities. 

Occupational Therapy 

This is given by occupational therapists. Some of the training so that individuals with Cerebral Palsy will be able to obtain suitable work when they are adults.  

Trishla Foundation is the best center for cerebral palsy treatment in India.

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